16 December 2009

Birth Certificate request from Italy-

Not many people know this, but you can get birth records, marriage records, divorce records, death records, and many more by going to the Comune's website, and by following these simple steps.

  1. Visit comuni.it and search for your comune in Cerca il Comune.
  2. Look for their contact information
  3. Call them
  4. Email them
  5. Send them a letter by post.

The comunes can be reached by email, phone, or mail.

Note- Always forward a formal letter to the comune, keep in mind that the comunes process all requests made in person, and may not have time to process your request by email, phone, or mail.  For this matter, be very kind when requesting certificates from the comunes.

When writing to the Comune, address your request to-
COMUNE di …………………
Ufficio Anagrafe-Stato Civile
(Zip code) (City) – Italy- 

Here is a Sample formal Birth Certificate letter request-

Your Name
Address, State, ZipCode


Ufficio dello Stato Civile

Comune di [comune name]

[5-digit Cap code] [comune name] [2-letter province]

Egregi Signori,

Il mio nome e’ Your Name. Sono una cittadina americana discendente da Italiani e sto cercando di ottenere anche la cittadinanza italiana.

Per questo richiedo, cortesemente, il Vostro aiuto, poiche’ mi necessita l'estratto dell'atto di nascita, in formato internazionale, della mia relation RELATIVE NAME. Ellgi/Ella nacque il day/month/year in City da Relative Father Name e da Relative Mother Name.


Poiche’ io necessito di questo documento per formalizzare la mia richiesta di cittadinanza italiana, e’ molto importante che il suddetto certificato riporti i nomi di entrambi i genitori.

I documenti andranno inviati al seguente indirizzo:

Your Name

Your Address

La mia e-mail: Your Email

Se ci saranno spese da sostenere Vi prego di comunicarmelo e sarà  mia cura inviarvi quanto dovuto a stretto giro di posta.

Molte grazie in anticipo  per la Vostra cortesia ed il Vostro aiuto.

Cordiali Saluti,

Your Name

Contact me if you need assistance during this process.


  1. Isn't there a cost & a "gratuity" fee for Italy to pull the birth certificate records? Also, what is the average time for a response and/or records? Anxious Amerian hoping to obtain dual citizenship

  2. There is no fee, but I have heard of people including $10. In my case I only wrote quiet a few polite letters and waited. The turn around time was 2-3 weeks.
    I would suggest you start by emailing them and following up with a polite letter, if that doesn't work, then give them a call. They are nice people, just try your best to communicate in Italian or at least a few words so that they know you are trying. This will make a big difference.
    Buona Fortuna


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